Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Temptation? - what a load of drivel

I have been told that my reviews were too polite, so here i am going to write Popcorn@Movies first truly damning review.

Temptation: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor, is due to be released on march 29th, this story is about a married marriage counselor who falls in love with one of her clients. I have no problem with the basic premise of this story, though it is a little insipid, however the problem arises when we look at the casting, the trailer gives us Vanessa Williams with i ridiculous german? accent. Kim Kardashian who basically just plays herself, someone should have reminded her that this was not one of her reality show, but I guess we should just be thankful that she didn't try to put on a weird accent too.
Errm now we come to the two main characters, the marriage counselor and her rich investor. Lets overlook the absolute lack of chemistry between these characters, rmemebreing that this is supposed to be the better of the two relationships in this womans life, and we come to her husband, a man who seems to be completley devoid of personality, no wonder she got bored. I'm surprised she didn't leave sooner.
 The trailer also shows a series of one liners which are cringe worthy and unintentionally hilarious at the same time, such as what do you dream of? You... Seriously? Are you kidding me Tyler Perry? So overall this trailer is a bit/lot of a train wreck, lets just hope that they chose the worst moments of the movie for the trailer, because if the final film is as bad as this... yet  even longer, then god help us. Any opinions? Comments below.

Trailer Review: C- Film prediction: D- Current Rotten Tomatoes score: 6%


  1. You actually wrote something bad about Kim K, I thought she was your Queen??

    1. ugh no, and besides that doesn't mean she can act....
