Sunday, 3 March 2013

Pulp Westerns

It will be no suprise to my brother to learn that since seeing Django Unchained, i am a large fan of Quentin Tarantino, being interested in fashion, i am generally a fan of anything that looks good, if it has a story then all the better, Django Unchained is not only a feast for the eyes, and a visual bloodbath, but also has a bangin' script and strong performances from Washington, Foxx, Jackson, plus very fine performances from Christoph Waltz, recognized by the academy, and from Dicaprio, who in my opinion was robbed! The film, which has received some heat from critics, celebrities and even senators for the copious use of the n-word (even i wont tempt fate) is a romping good laugh. The film, which has, i feel been taken too seriously by many, is very entertaining. Even Tarantino himself has admitted that it was his goal to make a movie about slaver in which slavery wasn't the main issue in the film. His appraisal seems correct, even though the fact that Django is a slave affects many of his actions (the whole point of his journey is that he is trying to get his wife, a slave herself, back) the fact that he is a slave is very rarely touched upon throughout the film, his relationship with Schultz doesn't seem to be changed at all by the fact that he is a slave. Nicole Kidman at the Oscars described this film as an entertaining tribute to spaghetti westerns, and this feels to me to be accurate, as this is a film which doesn't try to take itself, and which doesn't attempt to make grandiose social or historical statements, much like Tarantino's previous film, Inglorious Basterds, it is simply educated, intelligent entertaining good fun.

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