I’ve been
writing this blog for a little over 18 months, and i am immensely proud of all
that I have achieved ith Popcorn@Movies, I started writing this site as a
cathartic exploration of cinema, but it has evolved into a celebration of the
cinema. Celebration implies positivity, and I have tried to keep this blog a
positive experience for you readers, describing it as a positive experience
means not that I feel the need to give everything a positive review, but that I
don’t unnecessarily criticize things beyond what is fair.
have recently received (and rightly so) a rather poor rap, the likes of Perez
Hilton and numerous music bloggers have reduced blogging to it’s absolute
worst, constant criticism. Blogs are a great way of getting your opinions into
the world, it’s free, anyone can do it and no permission is required. Bloggers
are described on a unified platform, like what we all do is exactly the same,
when it couldn’t be more different, every post I write takes two hours to write
(which is a little scary considering I have written over 200 posts) and I try
to make them readable and enjoyable for the reader, other blogs are no more
that endless pictures of celebrities and media personalities. Others are little
more than glorified twitter feeds featuring endless opinion with little
substance and no structure.
is intended to be a positive experience, and hopefully, an educational one, I
try to make this site a celebration of the cinema, I invite users to journey
through current and past films, enjoying and critiquing them. There are people
in the film industry that I honestly dislike, I find Adam Sandler to be lazy
and unfunny, most Michael Bay films are bloated and unashamedly commercial and
modern studio executives, and although I have written posts about Adam Sandler,
and I have reviewed Michael Bay films, there are far more positive reviews than
negative reviews on this site.
The reason
that this site may seem inundated with positive reviews is not because I am
uncritical but because I don’t go and see, or waste my time reviewing films
that I hated and have little to say about. Whilst liking everything is
obviously a sign of a lack of opinion, being fixated on things that you
dislike, to the point of starting a blog about how much you hate something is
egocentric and weirdly self centred. The film industry is bigger today than it
has ever been, there are more and more films to choose from, more studios and
more actors than there were fifty years ago, if you really don’t like
something, you have plenty of other accessible films to choose from. This
accessability is as much a disadvantage as it is an advantage, with so much
available and a lot of it free, people think that they are entitled to an
opinion on everything, that their opinions matter and that other people should
listen to what they have to say. This is why I attempt to make this blog a
blend of opinion and information, opinion alone is a little dry.
I feel
passionately about this blog, because I feel passionately about cinema, because
I love movies more than any other art form and because I love them so much, I
attempt to convey this through what I write here. I hope that you enjoy reading
this website, and I hope that I convey my enthusiasm through this site, I hope
that I inspire you to watch films that you never before considered and I hope
that you find my opinions to be truly fair and balanced, and not in a Fox News
kind of way.
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