Tuesday 22 July 2014

Five Favorite Cinematic Superheroes

This may come to a surprise to my readers, but i am actually a huge fan of superhero movies, these tentpole flicks have come to be the highlights of the summer movie season, and now prop up studio finances. There have been a great number of superhero movies over the years, and the pace is only increasing, with the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the new DC shared universe and spider-man properties comic book adaptations are as popular as ever. This is a list of the best super heroes to have been portrayed on film, over multiple franchises and multiple movies, sometimes by multiple actors. I will be posting my favorite actors to have incarnated these roles below!
  • Iron Man portrayed by Robert Downey Jr
Iron Man has only been portrayed in one franchise, the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and only by one actor, the character, who in spirit could be likened to Batman, is differentiated by the east coast setting and the virtual butler, J.A.R.V.I.S. Iron Man is a fantastic hero visually, and the long ariel fight scenes taking place over the ocean are glorious and kinetic.
  • Batman portrayed by Michael Keaton and Christian Bale
One of the most represented heroes on screen, Batman has a long and cherished screen history, originally incarnated by Micheal Keaton in Tim Burton's Batman, and recently played by Christian Bale, Batman has offered some of the greatest superhero movies, and some of the worst. Batman is a fantastic hero on screen, given his dark nature, and the original Batman film set the stage for some of the most visually ominous superhero films to date.
  • Mystique portrayed by Rebecca Romijn and Jennifer Lawrence
One of my favorite X-Men villains, Mystique has confusingly been played by two different actresses in one franchise, first by Rebecca Romijn, in the original X-Men trilogy, and subsequently by Jennifer Lawrence in the prequel series and Days of Future Past. Mystique is a fantastic fighter, a skilled martial artist and has blue skin, which is pretty cool!
  • V portrayed by Hugo Weaving
Despite having appeared in only one film, V is already an iconic and beloved character, he acts as a consciousness of the people, fighting for their freedoms and becoming a symbol of hope. V is the only character on this list, and perhaps the only superhero in cinematic history to be actively political, and the use of guy fawkes masks by various groups protesting censorship and government control is a testament to the iconic status of the character.
  • The Joker portrayed by Jack Nicholson and Heath Ledger
 Nicholson played the Joker in Tim Burton's Batman and was rightly lauded for the role, his performance is magnetic and captivating, and he successfully looks into this psychopath's head, however far more magnetic is Heath Ledger's performance in The Dark Knight. Ledger's, performance, which is surely one of the best performances of all time, is stunning because he transforms into The Joker, he becomes the character, manages to transform himself into this maniac, and the results are impressive. The Joker is an interesting villain, because he seems to be without boundaries, he is not motivated by money or power, only by explosions and death, he kills for the sake of killing, and is the perfect antidote to Batman's poised control.

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