Saturday 8 June 2013

Blue Jasmine - Trailer Review

Well, finally less than two months until the release of Woody Allen's new picture a trailer has been released. The film is called Blue Jasmine and stars Cate Blanchett in the title role, as a society housewife. Alec Baldwin also stars as her husband, It is the first time Blanchett is working with Allen, and Baldwin's second collaboration with his after last years To Rome With Love. The film is set an was filmed in New York and San Francisco, and can be seen as a homecoming for Allen, who has spent the last few years in Europe.
The film stars Cate Blanchett as a fashionable New York housewife, a woman who is going through the acute stages of a midlife crisis, and who goes to live with her sister. Blanchett seems good in the role, and manages to be heartwarmingly funny and heartbreakingly sad in the same moment, and manages to successfully portray a woman who is wry and sarcastic, but who doesn't seem to be arrogant. Baldwin is oddly absent from the trailer, more peculiar still given that his is given second billing in this film.

The trailer overall is entertaining yet deceptively cryptic about the events of this film, showing us nothing that we don't already know from the official release, yet overall this looks to be a solid Woody Allen flick, and one that will no doubt be illuminating and entertaining.  As always the trailer contains that certain joy that Allen seems able to conjure on demand these days, with what looks to be a solid performance from it's leading lady. Trailer Rating:B+

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