Friday, 12 June 2015

The Future of Philips Journal

As you will probably have noticed I have been absent from the blogsphere for some months, towards the end of April I became bored, unchallenged and unhappy with the direction my blog was taking, what I had intended to be zeitgeisty, frothy amusing and entertaining had become shrill, dull and bitter, at this point I had been blogging for over two years, and was bored with it, a change was necessary.

I promptly set my blogs setting to private, stopped writing my column and decided to spend a while pondering the future of my writing, my short sabbatical ended up lasting multiple months, and as I sat in a tin can on the runway of Luton airport waiting to take of, I discovered what the future of my blog would be.

I started this blog writing film reviews, I then branched into writing television reviews and general pieces about the entertainment industry. This, I decided should be the future of my blogging. But rather than seeing this as a regression, I choose to see it as an evolution. Rather than writing solely about film and television, I shall write about multiple topics, reviewing shows, music, books, tech and even restaurants.

I hope that you will enjoy this journey.

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