Sunday 15 September 2013

A Word on Batman Vs Superman

Okay, now I've been thinking about his a lot. Batman Vs Superman is the (working) title of the sequel to 2013's Man of Steel. I think all us fanboys really have to lose our boners now, this will not be a fantastic Christopher Nolan batman film, if Man of Steel taught us anything it is that having Nolan merely produce your film does not a good film make, and Man of Steel really wasn't very good. The idea of having multiple characters of the DC universe is something the studio has toyed with for a while, with a justice league movie having been in the pipeline for an indefinite amount of time.
Now we come to the casting of Ben Affleck as Batman, now i am not going to slam on Affleck for this casting, he is an alright actor, Argo was good and it will be interesting to see a slightly older version of batman than in the Nolan films, without veering into George Clooney grey haired territory. One has to remember that despite Nolan returning as producer, these are NOT Christopher Nolan films, and thus it is actually great that Bale is not returning for these films, as it would almost tarnish his work on The Dark Knight Trilogy.
Now we come to Justin Bieber, I really hope that the picture below is a hoax, because otherwise i simply don't understand it. Why would anyone in their right mind chose to even offer an audition to Justin Bieber for the part of Robin, did we learn nothing from Batman and Robin, yeah, that terrible movie. Casting someone really really gay as Robin just doesn't work, and the whole sexual tension between Robin and Batman thing is a little lame if it isn't really explored. I can say that if Bieber is cast, i most certainly won't go and see this movie, because even if he can act which i sincerely doubt, every time i see him i just wan't to punch him in the face, and stunt casting like this simply doesn't work. (Jessica Simpson in Dukes of Hazzard anyone?)
Overall i think this movie is a really really bad idea, and given that Man of Steel was rather weak, it seems ridiculous to reeboot the batman franchise so soon, and plug Affleck into his first role as the caped crusader with superman, without allowing the time to reintroduce his character. However i refuse to pass judgement on the casting of Affleck as Batman as so many fanboys seem to have done already, because he is a good actor, and it will be interesting to see someone else in the boots of the dark knight. What do you think, is anoyone excited for this movie? Leave comments in the box below!

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