Monday 19 August 2013


Arbitrage is a 2012 drama film starring Richard Gere and Susan Sarandon, and directed by Nicholas Jarecki. The film stars Gere as a hedge fund manager at the height of the financial boom, who is about to sell his company for a hefty profit, whilst struggling to maintain control and keep a dark secret.
Richard Gere plays Robert Miller, a rich, self made multi millionaire, about to sell his company for a healthy profit, and who is struggling to keep the different facets of his life separate. He is having an affair with a gallery owner named Julie, and has just cooked the books of his company, and must cover this up in order to pass the audit and sell his company. When he has a car crash his attempts to cover it up implicate others, and Robert must protect those around him whilst trying to avoid prosecution and save his marriage. Susan Sarandon stars as his wife and indie darling Britt Marling stars as his daughter. The ensemble cast is rounded out by Tim Roth who stars as a detective attempting to unravel the mystery.
The film is a fast paced thriller, and combines the different sub-genres of legal thriller, financial thriller in the style of margin call, and a drama film. The film is successful in majority due to performances from its leads, Gere gives a fine assured performance of a hugely conflicted man, who is faced with a series of decisions in his personal and professional life. Sarandon offers a fine performance as his wife, but who is criminally underused in this film, only appearing in a few scenes. Brit Marling really shines as Millers daughter.

Overall Arbitrage is a decent film, which although being a little meandering, is saved by assured performances from its leading cast, and a strong script. Rating: B

Robert Miller: When I was a kid, my favorite teacher was Mr. James. Mr. James said world events all revolve around five things. M - O - N - E - Y.

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